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Final Fantasy XI tip: get out of being "stuck" targeting someone

1v$ date
1v$ Sat Mar 14 0:13:50 GMT 2009

It seems my wife has become addicted to playing MMORPGs. Well, just one to be precise: "Final Fantasy XI":http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/.
I play it sometimes with her too, although FF isn’t really my thing it can be fun to play together. One annoying little game glitch that happens to us every now and again, mainly after a fight with a monster, is that one of us will become stuck on the other…or even on other people. By this I mean that the targeting cursor (that you use to perform most of the different type of actions with other players, objects and NPCs), and apart from this also forces your avatar to stare at the thing that’s targeted, and to always face that thing. It is impossible to cancel this targeting through any normal means at the point and the usual fix is to walk very slowly (because you’re actually walking backwards so your speed is limited by the game) away from the person you’re fixated on until you’re too far away for targeting to work and the cursor suddenly releases.
Obviously this is slow and *very* annoying. The other day someone informed us as to a quick fix for this using the Xbox 360 controls (the game is available, and indeed we both us it on each of, Xbox 360 and PC), we translated these actions into the equivalent PC keyboard controls and have verified that it works on before, instantly releasing the fixation after pressing the key combo.
If this ever happens to you, you can use for the 360:

Press both B and L3 (inward on the left analogue stick), together

The PC equivalent:

Press both * and Esc, together


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